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Yadav, Poonam

  • Nutritional Adequacy of Mid Day Meal in Allahabad Schools

  • Impact of Mother-child Interactiono on Academic Achievement of High School Students

  • Proactive Coping Skills: Gender Differential in Different Ecological Settings

  • Self-Compassion and the Art of Overcoming One's Inner Critic

  • Pectin as Natural Polymer:An Overview

  • Effectiveness Bearing Down Techniques During Second Stage of Labour on Maternal and Neonatal Outcome among Primigravida Mothers

  • Klinefelter Syndrome: A Review

  • Impact of Menstruation Hygiene Management on Self-esteem Of Adolescent Girls

  • Assured Access to Neutron and Muon Sources at RAL, UK Under the DST–STFC Collaboration